Just hiked a mountain neighborhood to a Shamisen shop in Yokohama and found Kyle Abbott.

I’m meeting some friends in Yokohama today and I had a few hours to kill, so I decided to check out Niki Shamisen Shop (仁木三味線http://www.syamisen.com). I had to hike up tons of stairs and through tiny neighborhoods (and got attacked by a fluffy little Poodle), but I eventually made my way to Niki-san’s little shop. Of course he had Kyle Abbott’s Shamisen book!

He also had this Tsugaru Shamisen that was skinned with… Kangaroo! (As you can see, the dog approves).

He also had some Kokyu stuff, which is the main reason I visited. If you ever want to play a kangaroo Shamisen and get a good workout, go here!

Awesome! I want to play a kangaroo Shamisen. My apologies to all the kangaroos in the world but I would like to try it out just out of sheer curiosity!

That’s awesome! What an adventure. I bet that Shamisen has a real bouncy tone to it…

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Most plentiful roadkill in Oz - why not?

I once saw a copy of Mein Kampf bound with skunk, hair still on.

Hope it doesn’t smell… :wink:

I think the kangaroo skin is supposed to help you play more in the pocket…


Have you played “Tie Me Kangaroo Down” on it? – oops, dating myself!

I actually read that Kangaroo leather is stronger and can be made much thinner than other hides, so I am curious of the sound. Paying for a re-skin sucks… If anyone goes there again be sure to take a video!

I’m so excited to see this as I just found his shop.

The back skin of my shamisen is Kangaroo’s. It has more smooth texture, but it’s not so diffrent from dog skin.